Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Taiwan minister calls on men to sit down to pee

Taiwan's environmental minister is calling on the island's men to sit down when they urinate in order to keep toilets clean, drawing a mixed reaction from the public.

Stephen Shen, head of the Environmental Protection Administration, said Monday he himself had adopted the habit, and suggested other men follow suit so toilet seats will be ready for the next user.

An environmental official contacted by AFP Tuesday acknowledged the advice would be hard to follow in public restrooms, where urinals constitute the main facilities.

Therefore, she said, men are encouraged to first try to develop the new habit at home.

Reactions to the proposal on the Internet forums and chatrooms were mixed, with some calling it a good idea that should have been brought up sooner while others were more critical.

"Brain-damaged politician, why doesn't the environmental bureaucrat start to wear a skirt," said a message posted by a user on the United Daily News forum.

"I'd love to see Stephen Shen and (President) Ma Ying-jeou demonstrate on TV how to sit down to pee," said another message left on the forum.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/taiwan-minister-calls-men-sit-down-pee-055143318.html

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