Thursday, August 2, 2012 - The International Conference on Anthropological ...


In order to promote phenomenon-driven study on management and marketing research in the Chinese context, the Business School at Eastern China University of Science and Technology will host The International Conference on Anthropological Concern and Local Knowledge Construct: Applications in Indigenous Management and Marketing to be held between May 18-20, 2013 in Shanghai.? The conference will be co-sponsored by the College of Sociology and Anthropology at Sun Yat-Sen University, the Department of Anthropology at Rochester University, and the North America Business Press (more co-sponsors will be added). ?


The Conference Committee has invited the following well-known or established scholars in the fields of business anthropology, management, and marketing as the keynote/guest/session speakers:


Dr. Russell Belk, York University (Confirmed)

Dr. Luis Borges, Saint Xavier University (Confirmed)

Dr. Gang Chen, Yunnan University of Finance and Economics (Confirmed)

Dr. Mahesh Ranjan Debata, Nehru University (Confirmed)

Paris Descartes University (Confirmed)

Dr. Fernanda Duarte, University of Western Sydney (Confirmed)

Dr. Stephanie A. Krawinkler, Betriebs (Confirmed)

Dr. Timothy Malefyt, Fordham University (Confirmed)

Dr. Maryann, McCabe, Rochester University (Confirmed)

Dr. John McCreery, The Word Works (Confirmed)

Dr. Yue Li, Shantou University (Confirmed)

Dr. Alex Stewart, Marquette University (Confirmed)

IPAM Marketing School (Confirmed)

University of Cambridge (Confirmed)

University of Alaska at Fairbanks (Confirmed)

Dr. Daming Zhou, Sun Yat-Sen University (Confirmed)

??. (To be expanded)


The themes/topics of the conference include but are not limited to:


1.????????????????? The anthropological study of contextual management and marketing phenomena and cultural issues in the business environment

2.????????????????? The anthropological study of organizational and strategic behavior

3.????????????????? The anthropological study of consumer behavior?branding, advertising and marketing communication strategies

4.????????????????? Ethnographic methods and applications in business studies

5.????????????????? The anthropological study of cross-cultural business communications and practices

6.????????????????? The anthropological study of product design and development

7.????????????????? The anthropological study of international business strategies

8.????????????????? The applications of anthropology in business education


The conference would like to accept papers from scholars all over the world, who are interested in the anthropological study of business theories and practices. Please submit your paper proposals to the conference by email:, the deadline is the end of Dec. 2012.?


The Academic Committee of the Conference consists of the following scholars:


Professor Xi Qiumin, Chair (Confirmed)

Professor Guo Yi, Co-Chair (Confirmed)


Professor Timothy Malefyt, Co-Chair (Confirmed)

Professor Zhou Daming, Co-Chair (Confirmed)

The Organizational Committee of the Conference consists of the following scholars:


Professor Wu Baijun, Chair (Dean, School of Business at ECUST, Confirmed)

Professor GUO Yi, Co-Chair (Confirmed)

Professor Russell Belk, Co-Chair (Confirmed)

Professor Alex Stewart, Co-Chair (TBC)

Professor Fernanda Duarte, Co-Chair (Confirmed)

Professor Tian Guang, Co-Chair (General Secretary for the Conference, Confirmed)



Qualified conference papers will be published in the following Cabell Directory listed peer-reviewed journals in addition to the conference proceedings:


International Journal of Business Anthropology

International Journal of China Marketing

Journal of Applied Business and Economics

Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice

American Journal of Management


The format of the paper:




Produced in MS-Word 95 or greater (or equivalent), please no pdf.

1 inch margins on all sides

8.5? x 11? paper size, not A4

Single spacing, from beginning of document

One space after all punctuation

Times New Roman, 12 pt. font

Full justification except where noted

Do not page number

Do not use footnotes or endnotes. If necessary, manually number using superscript and list numbered notes after body of paper and before references.

Paragraphs should be continuous, no line spaces between paragraphs, with a 1/4 inch indentation at each new paragraph no landscape oriented pages or color graphs please.


Article title should appear at 2.5 inches (8 hard returns) from top: title should be centered, bold, 14 pt font, Times New Roman. Each author, with affiliation, should be centered below title, with space between first author and title, and each subsequent author/affiliation, 12 pt font, bold, Times New Roman.

After the last author?s affiliation, hard return 4 times and place an abstract of no more than 100 words. Abstract is in italics, 12 pt font, with no indentation.


Scale Measurements in Marketing Research


Michael Johnson


William Davis

????????????? University of Oregon? (return)




This is where the abstract would start?Do not use the word Abstract?Do not indent

When the abstract is complete, hard return 1 time and start the body of the paper.




First level headings should be bold, all caps, 12 pt Times New Roman, Left Justified with 1 line space above and below the heading.


Second Level Heading

Second level headings should be bold, 12 pt Times New Roman, Left Justified with one space above the heading, none below, using capitals as in a title.


Third Level Heading

Third level headings should be italic, 12 pt Times New Roman, Left Justified with one space above the heading, none below, using capitals as in a title.


TABLES, FIGURES and GRAPHS: They should be numbered consecutively within each category; thus, a paper might have a TABLE 1, FIGURE 1, and GRAPH 1. Each table, figure, and graph should be self contained and centered along with the headings being centered, all capital letters, bold, 12 pt font, and appear in the body of the paper in its appropriate location (See Table 1). Excessive tables, figures, graphs and raw data are discouraged. They should directly aid in the reading of the article. If needed, but cumbersome, they should be included in an appendix. If an Appendix is included, it should appear after the references. Because the journal is printed in black and white, please do not use color in illustrations.

























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