Friday, August 31, 2012

Bye Bye Bladder Issues! | Gnet Health and Fitness

There is perhaps nothing more alarming than the sensation you are about to lose control of your bladder ? particularly if you?re in public! Well, other than actually losing control of your bladder in public ? a most unfortunate incident that I fear the word ?embarrassing? wouldn?t even begin to sum up! The sheer panic of feeling a sudden urge to go to the toilet is one that many of us will have experienced at some time, though for some unfortunates, incontinence is an issue that they struggle with daily. At best it represents a minor inconvenience, but at worst, it causes great emotional and psychological upset, even dictating your schedule and greatly affecting your quality of life!

Bring On The Muscle!

When we urinate, the bladder walls and ring like bands of muscles (sphincters) relax or contract ? stopping and starting the flow of urine. The detrusor muscle is responsible for controlling urine flow, so if it is weak then it will permit too much urine to flow, and this is what we refer to as urinary incontinence. Therefore keeping muscles toned and strong is key in maintaining optimal urinary and bladder health, particularly as we age and are more prone to weakening of the muscles.

?Flotrol Natural Bladder Support? is a product which apparently helps you gain control over an overactive bladder, asserting the following:

  1. All-natural bladder support formulated especially for mature adults.
  2. Suitable for men and women.
  3. Contains soy extract as well as pumpkin seed extracts.
  4. Ingredients shown to be safe and effective.

Pumpkins ? Not Only For Halloween!

Flotrol Natural Bladder Support reportedly promotes bladder and urinary tract health using all-natural ingredients that target and strengthen the detrusor muscle giving you better control of urine flow:

  1. Pumpkin Seed Extract:
    contains a wide array of nutrients, offering essential fatty acids, selenium, magnesium and vitamin E. It assists with muscular contraction, to ensure correct function of the bladder. It helps reduce urethral and bladder pressure that cause urinary incontinence.

  2. Soy Protein Extract:
    provides natural bladder support by embedding isoflavones which bring you phytoestrogen, aiding to sustain, tone and strengthen the muscle groups, optimizing bladder health.

Clinical studies have demonstrated that when taken in combination over a period of several weeks, these two ingredients can significantly improve bladder control issues, also helping the bladder to relax, thereby decreasing the urge to urinate soon after your last trip to the bathroom, as well as sudden urges in general!

Testimonials / Reviews?

There are numerous testimonials and reviews that certainly support Flotrol Natural Bladder Support as a natural way of regaining bladder control?

I Don?t Know How But It Works!

?It is pumpkin seeds. I don?t how it works on my system but it works?The suggested dose is 5 per day and then drop to 3 a day. I am doing that and have good results? YES I do recommend them.

? Gary W. Crane ? Amazon customer who awarded the product five stars.

It Helped Me So Much!

I have an overactive bladder and the prescription medicine that was prescribed had horrid side effects? I read that pumpkin seeds (the main ingredient of Flotrol) were studied and clinically tested in Japan and it had been effective in reducing the amount of bathroom trips and urgency. Before using this, I was going to the bathroom 2x/hr and now I go 1x/2-3 hrs. I started to notice the difference within the first month of using it, I still continue to use it because it?s helped me so much. I can?t say that it will be the same for everyone, but I definitely think it?s worth a shot.

? Monica ? Amazon customer who rated the product four star.

It Worked in Just Two Weeks!

Like many individuals leaving their Flotrol reviews, I suffered from incontinence (the inability to control my bladder) and found myself having to take unimaginable steps to make sure I did not embarrass myself in public. I tried everything to reverse the condition and until I found Flotrol, nothing seemed to help. However, after just two weeks, I realized I was no longer urinating uncontrollably, and had regained my control over my bladder.Because of some of the information provided by Flotrol online, I began taking better care of my health. They suggested that neither Flotrol, nor any dietary supplement will actually cure me of the condition, but only support and maintain a stronger and more healthy bladder.

? Review from someone who suffered incontinence issues.



You are recommended to take five tablets per day for the first two weeks, gradually reducing the dosage to one per day. Tablets should be taken with meals.

Regain Control!

Why would anyone want to go another day suffering the limitations and sheer humiliation that accompany bladder control issues? Affecting a great many of us as we age, though by know means limited to the elderly, a weak unpredictable bladder is an issue that stops us from living life to the fullest, provoking so much stress, worry and upset, though we needn?t necessarily have to struggle with it. With products that reportedly help promote bladder and urinary tract health, why not regain control of your flow, and with it control of your life once again!

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