Wednesday, November 7, 2012

First Person: A Household Illustrates Wisconsin's Political Differences

Just days before Nov. 6, Yahoo! asked voters to reveal which candidate they're backing -- Barack Obama or Mitt Romney or another candidate -- and, briefly, why. Here are one voter's thoughts.

FIRST PERSON | On the last weekend before Election Day, while my unsuspecting partner slept, I sought revenge for a humor-filled and heated political debate. I painted his toenails blue and hid the nailpolish remover.

We live in Wisconsin. Our county is one of the worst counties in the state, featuring low education testing scores in the public school sector, one of the highest unemployment rates, crime rates and more. You could literally draw lines around rich and poor in this county. There is so much contempt, class warfare, public vs. private employment sectors, ethnic divide, and really a revolutionary civil divide.

We are a swing state for good reason. There is too much waste on both sides of the fence, and no one wants to pay for it. The rich blame the poor for being lazy and wanting handouts, and poor blame the rich for oppression, and the true middle struggles to skate by and survive.

My partner and I make up probably one of the most iconic representations of "swing state." And after this weekend we have the toenails to prove it!

My partner grew up poor, the eldest male in a family of seven. I grew up in upper middle class, the eldest female in a family of five. We're both raised Catholic, and he became atheist and I an agnostic in adulthood. Both of us are educated post-baccalaureate, but you can tell where the influences of childhood and what was in emphasis of "importance in politics" lies with in either of us, rooted deeply.

While neither of us is an official Democrat or Republican, and furthermore while the racketeering of these two parties exists and eliminates the other more reasonable options (i.e. independent, Green, and Libertarian) that both of us would rather choose, we claim opposing sides.

He is a Democrat, and I am a Republican. He voted early and I will vote on Election Day. And when both of us walked to the polls supporting our cause, the truth falls on more than where the arrow is drawn. Symbolically colored, our feet lead us to exercise our rights to vote, our ability to choose, and live our lives to the pursuit of our happiness -- regardless of which side of the political fence they may lie.


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