Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Finding the Right SEO Firm for Your Small Business - Outsource Geek

In order to become the first result of major search engine pages, you need to sift through the numerous professional SEO firms that promise to get you there, and find the right one for your business. Before you jump into working with the most affordable firm you can find, you want to be sure that you are going to work with a company that honestly has the best interests of your business at hand. This is a difficult decision to make, especially because you are going to trust someone that you cannot meet face to face, with the success of your business website.

Why Most Small Businesses Need Help

While you might be thinking that you can get by without search engine optimization, or just doing the very basic optimization techniques, you could be doing more harm than good because there is a lot that goes into optimizing a site. First of all, keywords and keyword density are of importance to the success of your site. The right keywords that your customers search for is vital to your site displaying on a search page (here is where knowing your customers is most important). Then proper utilization of subtitles and titles as well as meta tag optimization are all necessary in order to further draw traffic into your site. Even incorporation like a strong backlink is important in optimizing your site. Now, you have to ask yourself if you are comfortable and certain that you can optimize your site in all these forms. If you can?t then there is no shame in seeking an SEO firm to do so, especially when it comes to the online success of your business!

Getting the Assistance You Can Rely On

As previously stated, finding an SEO firm that is quality and you can entrust your business marketing to is tough, but not impossible. When you are sorting through the multitude of companies that offer search engine optimization online, there are a few things that you want to ask their representative before you formalize a decision.

  • How much experience do outsourcing professionals have with search engine optimization techniques?
  • What kind of experience does your outsourcing professionals have? References? Samples of previous work?
  • Are they native English speakers?
  • What kind of guarantee does the outsourcing company have? Is there any quality control to the work that is completed?
  • How much does SEO service cost? Are you willing to work with my budget?

These are just a few of the questions that you should ask of any company representative who is interested in taking on your project. Based on their answers and the confidence that you feel in their services you can determine whether one company is better than the other, and which can meet your needs.

Not all SEO firm professionals are created the same, so don?t be fooled by a deal that sounds too good to be true, because traditionally that means that it more than likely is too good to be true!

Source: http://www.outsourcegeek.com/article-writing-service/finding-the-right-seo-firm-for-your-small-business

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Steve Jobs?s FedEx Delivery Man Almost Saw The First iPhone Before It Was Announced

Steve Jobs?s FedEx Delivery Man Almost Saw The First iPhone Before It Was Announced

Leading up to an iPhone announcement, there?s a very select group of people who have seen?much less held?the new phone in private. Apple is known for its thick veil of secrecy, and only the top employees know the comprehensive details surrounding future products. Only the highest of the highest employees get to take one home, as was the case with Steve Jobs and the original iPhone.

How many people got to see the original iPhone leading up to Apple?s announcement at Macworld in 2007? Only the privileged few. A random FedEx delivery man did come close, however, when he delivered a package to Steve Jobs?s doorstep one afternoon.

The story comes by way of an anonymous former Apple employee speaking with Business Insider. You see, Steve Jobs was using a prototype of the first iPhone at his house, and the WiFi wasn?t working. It was in the days leading up to Macworld 2007, so a few iPhone engineers from Apple visited Jobs?s house in Palo Alto to try and debug the problem. While they were working on the iPhone in Job?s house, ?this crazy ass medieval buzzer? started ringing. It was the FedEx guy with a package:

Up walks the happiest FedEx guy you have ever seen, coming up to the door. It?s not Steve?s normal guy, which is why he was surprised. So Steve goes out to meet him because he has to sign for this package, but he?s got the iPhone in one of his hands. Steve just walks out casually, drops the phone behind his back, signs the package, and the FedEx dude marches off.

When that FedEx dude saw the news that Steve Jobs had announced the iPhone weeks later, I bet he wondered if he had come close to seeing it that day.

Read the full story over at Business Insider.

Source: http://www.cultofmac.com/181910/steve-jobss-fedex-delivery-man-almost-saw-the-first-iphone-before-it-was-announced/

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7 dead in bombings, shooting targeting police in former al-Qaida stronghold

BAGHDAD - Authorities say seven Iraqi police have been killed in two bombings and a drive-by shooting in a former al-Qaida stronghold in western Iraq.

The attacks before dawn Sunday around the city of Fallujah also wounded nine police.

Security forces immediately sealed off all roads leading into Fallujah and imposed a curfew on the city, 65 kilometres (40 miles) west of Baghdad.

Officials said two explosives-packed cars blew up within a few minutes of each other in Fallujah and the nearby village of Karma, killing three policemen.

Fifteen minutes later, a gang of gunmen fired on a Karma police station, killing four. The gunmen escaped.

All officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to release the information to reporters.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/7-dead-bombings-shooting-targeting-police-former-al-143654477.html

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Workers Compensation at the Jul 1 2012 Reinsurance Renewal ...

July 30th, 2012

Posted at 1:30 AM ET

bueler_aaron_gcciAaron Bueler, Managing Director

Rate increases and an apparent decrease in the use of carrier discounting were encouraging signs for an improving market. However, other headwinds remained - depressed investment rates, reserve development, medical trend (including pharmacy) and slow job growth were still major challenges to the industry. The workers compensation line is still struggling with profitability.

Reinsurance renewals in the first two quarters of 2012 indicated slight rate increases for working layer coverages and rate decreases for multi-claimant catastrophe layers. Another common measure for multi-claimant layer pricing is rate on line. Rates on line for multi-claimant catastrophe layers showed a slight increase. The bottom line for multi-claimant catastrophe layers is that reinsurance dollars remained close to expiring but produced rate reductions for clients due to the increased subject bases.

Table 1


Table 2


There are no major changes in workers compensation reinsurance pricing forecasted for multi-claimant catastrophe layers. A market changing event will either come from very large domestic workers compensation event losses or worldwide catastrophe losses exceeding 2011 levels that produce higher rates for other lines of business. Reinsurers will divert capacity from the low rates on line for workers compensation to other opportunities. Such a reduction in capacity may produce a hardening of workers compensation catastrophe rates. In the first half of 2012 there were some changes in reinsurers? attitudes about supporting the rates on line lower than 2 percent for upper layers. The levels of oversubscription for firm orders in the more recent years have continued to reduce.

At current prices, reinsurance market capacity remained ample for a majority of the multi-claimant catastrophe programs.

Working layer reinsurance rates remained dependent on individual ceding company experience. Ceding companies that demonstrated best in class risk selection, ongoing portfolio optimization and superior claims management (with an emphasis on reserving and closure rates) were rewarded with the most competitive reinsurance rates, terms and conditions. Reinsurance market capacity for the working layers was more limited than it was for the multi-claimant catastrophe layers. There has been some recent repositioning of individual working layer reinsurers? pricing and appetites. Further refinements from working layer reinsurers over the next six months should not be unexpected.

There is an expectation that there will be additional requests for single claimant limits greater than USD10 million and continued interest in structured placements to help stabilize calendar results.

Many of the year-end 2011 indications of a changing workers compensation insurance market continued to develop through the first and second quarters of 2012. The trend of increasing primary rates having the largest effect. According to a recent State Advisory forum from the National Council of Compensation Insurance, within the current rating periods there are 27 states with indicated rate increases compared to 10 states with indicated rate decreases. The increased rates and stabilized job losses are showing up in the ceding company subject premiums. Ninety percent or more of the Guy Carpenter clients renewing reinsurance programs in the second quarter forecasted increased subject bases. The average increase was just over 12 percent.

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Source: http://www.gccapitalideas.com/2012/07/30/workers-compensation-at-the-jul-1-2012-reinsurance-renewal/

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Mitt Romney in Jerusalem: Another city, another gaffe (or two)?

Mitt Romney traveled well-trod ground among US presidential candidates, calling Jerusalem the capital of Israel. But then he went another potential gaffe further with a comment on culture and prosperity.

By Howard LaFranchi,?Staff writer / July 30, 2012

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney delivers a speech in Jerusalem, Sunday.

Charles Dharapak/AP


Mitt Romney wanted to use his trip to Israel to differentiate himself from President Obama, but instead he ended up sounding like Mr. Obama ? the 2008 presidential candidate, that is.

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Governor Romney caused a stir when he said in a speech Sunday that ?it is a deeply moving experience to be in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel.? That actually sounded milder than what then-Sen. Barack Obama said in June 2008, when he insisted that Jerusalem must ?remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided.?

Romney?s statement on Jerusalem was not well received by the Palestinians, but the candidate didn?t stop there, adding a comment Monday about culture and prosperity that elicited even more condemnation.

Aside from angering the Palestinians, the problem with referring to Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is that, officially, the United States ? in line with most of the international community ? does not recognize Jerusalem as Israel?s capital. Instead, it considers the city?s status an issue to be negotiated between Israelis and Palestinians, who claim East Jerusalem ? seized by Israel in the 1967 war ? as their capital.

As a result, the US keeps its embassy in Tel Aviv.

In both cases ? Obama in 2008 and Romney this week ? the candidates backtracked from their statements. In Romney?s case, he told CNN after his speech that ?It?s long been the policy of our country to ultimately have our embassy in the nation?s capital, Jerusalem,? adding that ?I would follow the same policy we have in the past.?

After his comment in 2008, Obama ? also in an interview with CNN ? said that ?obviously? it would be ?up to the parties to negotiate a range of these issues? and that ?Jerusalem will be part of those negotiations.? He added, however, that a division of the city ?would be very difficult to execute,? and he said he still envisioned ?a system in which everybody has access to the extraordinary religious sites in Old Jerusalem but that Israel has a legitimate claim on that city.?

Romney?s echoing of Obama circa 2008 made it seem as though overstepping US policy on Jerusalem has become established practice for a presidential candidate.

But before leaving Israel Monday for Poland and the last stop of his three-country trip, Romney made another comment that not only had Palestinians up in arms, but which added one more flat note to the image of the Republican presidential hopeful?s gaffe-prone international foray.

At a breakfast fund-raising event in Jerusalem Monday, Romney said he couldn?t help but notice the ?dramatically stark difference in economic vitality? between Israel and ?the areas managed by the Palestinian Authority,? and he concluded, ?Culture makes all the difference.?

No mention from the would-be US president of the trade and mobility restrictions that Israel maintains over the occupied territories of the West Bank and Gaza ? restrictions that both the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have said for years are key factors in hampering Palestinian economic growth.

Palestinian leaders quickly blasted Romney?s ?culture? comment as ?racist? and added that he failed to take into account the impact of Israel?s tight grip on the Palestinian economy.

Yet while Romney did not seem interested in answering Palestinian critics, he did seem focused on reaching not just US Jewish voters but also Christian conservatives whose support for the Mormon former Massachusetts governor has been lukewarm.

In his speech, Romney sounded almost Biblical when he said that he recognized the ?power? of ?a few other things? besides just culture in Israel?s accomplishments, adding that he also saw the ?hand of providence in selecting this place.?

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/g12txy-sy4Q/Mitt-Romney-in-Jerusalem-Another-city-another-gaffe-or-two

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Quickbooks Pro 2009 | Mels Computer Help

QuickBooks 2009 For Dummies

QuickBooks 2009 For Dummies


Got a business to run? QuickBooks makes small-business accounting easier, and QuickBooks 2009 For Dummies shows you how! Bookkeeping may not be your favorite part of running a small business, so learning to use QuickBooks might pay off in more ways than one.QuickBooks helps you keep financial records, prepare invoices and record sales, pay bills, settle up at the end of the year, and more. In this?

Source: http://www.melscomputerhelp.com/quickbooks-pro-2009/

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London Olympics opening watched by record 40.7 million Americans

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A record 40.7 million Americans watched NBC television's coverage of the 2012 Olympics opening ceremony, making it the most-watched Summer Games opening, NBC said on Saturday.

NBC said the audience for the London ceremony was six million more than for the opening ceremonies from Beijing in 2008, and also beat the 39.8 million audience for the Atlanta Olympic Games in 1996.

U.S. viewers had to wait up to seven hours on Friday to watch the London ceremony after NBC decided not to stream it live and to delay its broadcast until the prime time evening hours.

NBC sports group chairman Mark Lazarus said in a statement on Saturday that the record audience for London "is a great early sign that our strategy of driving people to watch NBC in primetime is working."

NBCUniversal paid $1.18 billion for the U.S. rights to the London Olympics. It is streaming all the sporting events live online and boosting its TV coverage of the 2012 games to more than 5,500 hours.

But Americans took to Twitter in droves on Friday when they realized that the opening ceremony could not be seen until hours after it finished in the British capital.

CNN talk show host Piers Morgan, who was tweeting details about the ceremony from London, said on Friday: "Laughable that America is yet to start watching the Olympic ceremony on TV. Seriously."

NBC sports spokesman Christopher McCloskey said the opening ceremonies "are complex entertainment spectacles that do not translate well online because they require context, which our award-winning production team will provide for the large prime-time audiences that gather together to watch them."

In a decision that caused controversy in Britain, NBC cut a musical tribute from the opening ceremony for the victims of the July 2005 extremist attacks in London buses and trains. Instead the network showed a brief interview with Olympic champion swimmer Michael Phelps by "American Idol" host Ryan Seacrest.

NBC did not immediately return calls for comment on the matter.

(Reporting By Jill Serjeant; Editing by Vicki Allen)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/nbc-gets-bumper-olympic-ratings-despite-complaints-172926401--finance.html

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Totally free Search Engine Optimization Its Not A Myth | ONLINE ...

Is there such a factor as totally free search engine optimization? If youve completed any amount of research into the world of net marketing, youve no doubt heard the term search engine optimization, or Seo. With the number of Web based enterprise springing up every day on the Net, a lot of new business owners are turning to search engine tactics. This can boost web visitors, which in turn brings far more sales to an on-line company.

Not only have the quantity of new corporations boosted the require for Search engine optimization, but Seo has led to a number of new organizations, namely on the web advertising and marketing businesses. These marketers will try to sell you search engine optimization services, tools, or software. But do you truly need to have to pay somebody to do this sort of operate for you? Not usually! As such, its crucial to do your analysis and find out just how significantly bang for your buck Seo solutions offer you.

The truth is, you can obtain a lot of totally free search engine optimization tools and suggestions by just doing a tiny bit of investigation. Of course, undertaking your own Seo will call for some perform on your portion, and the willingness to find out some new skills. Dont let that scare you off, though Seo is straightforward. If you have the know-how to run an organization, search engine optimization must be no dilemma!

There are a handful of various kinds of free of charge search engine optimization tools you can find on the Web with just a fast Google search. A single instance of such a tool is a keyword tool. With this tool, you enter a keyword that you want to use on your internet site such as the sort of one of your goods and the tool gives you added ideas for keywords and phrases.

The tool will show you not only how much search site visitors is generated by your keyword, but it can also lead you to other keywords and phrases that could generate a lot more targeted traffic. It can also assist you narrow down a keyword that has less competitors from other websites. This enables you to target a precise niche on the web, major much more folks to visit your web site as an alternative of other individuals.

Another valuable tool you can find for cost-free is a rank checker. This tool will indicate where your web page falls in the overall list of pages on the Web. The greater your net pages rank, the more popular it is. This can give you a fantastic indication of how properly your search engine optimization strategies are working. If the key phrases you are targeting arent major men and women to your website, you could require to reconsider the search phrases or expand your Search engine marketing approaches.

Probably the finest no-price tool for search engine optimization is basic assistance. Despite the truth that several companies will attempt and sell you their Search engine marketing solutions, the web is nevertheless packed with info about how to do Seo oneself. Understanding how to do this not only teaches you an useful ability, its also the simplest way to get free search engine optimization.

t the URLs where you built links, one per line. Include higher-tier links as well, if applicable.

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Source: http://mario-petrovic-biz.com/totally-free-search-engine-optimization-its-not-a-myth/

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Will the UN reverse its ivory ban?

Delegates overseeing a worldwide endangered species treaty have adopted a plan to allow ivory to be legally traded on the global market.

By Associated Press / July 27, 2012

In this 2011 photo, a sixteen-day-old elephant enjoys the sun at an elephant breeding center in southern Nepal.

Niranjan Shrestha/AP


Delegates overseeing a 175-nation endangered species treaty adopted measures Friday intended to curb smuggling of elephant ivory and rhino horn, including a new plan to eventually allow ivory to be legally traded again in global markets.

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The plan for allowing ivory to be traded legally for the first time in more than two decades will be fine-tuned and presented again in October, then considered for final approval next March in Bangkok. It was among the most hotly debated items at a weeklong meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, known as CITES, that ended Friday.

Some 300 delegates in Geneva agreed by consensus to a series of measures and sanctions on trade in endangered species. The ivory plan envisions a resumption in trading only from existing stocks gathered from elephants that have died as a result of natural causes.

A global ban on ivory trading took effect in 1989 to curb elephant poaching in Africa, but in the past decade the problem grew again with rising Asian demand for ivory chopsticks, statues and jewelry.

The long-running global debate over elephants has focused on the benefits of raising revenue from legal ivory sales that could be used to pay for conservation measures and ways of protecting local communities that live in close proximity to large and sometimes dangerous animals.

Proponents also have argued that legalizing the trade could dampen prices and, therefore, demand for ivory on the black market, but some conservation groups have said they remain skeptical that it will work and that in fact sales could only increase poaching. No culling or poaching would be authorized under the plan.

Much of the focus was on how to strengthen enforcement while also dampening consumer demand. Delegates agreed that effected nations must do more to control their markets and combat international ivory smuggling.

"You may say that there has been a sort of polarization here (over ivory) ? will you ban it totally, or will you allow something and if you allow something, you may also encourage smuggling," said Oystein Storkersen, the head of nature management in Norway who chairs one of CITES' main committees, told reporters. "As long as there is strong demand in the consumer countries, we probably will see people willing to risk going for ivory in the source countries."

Delegates also agreed to require that Vietnam, one of the biggest consumers of rhino horn, report back by September on how it is cracking down and to verify that rhino hunting trophies are taken for non-commercial reasons.

In parts of Asia, such as Vietnam, rhino horn can fetch the equivalent of U.S. street values for cocaine. It is crushed and consumed by people who believe it can cure diseases including cancer, fever and even hangovers, but doctors generally dispute that.

Delegates suspended trade in five reptiles ? the African chameleon in Niger, Fea's chameleon in Equatorial Guinea, the girdled lizard in Mozambique, and the yellow-headed temple turtle and orange-headed temple turtle in Laos ? and one African tree, teak, in Ivory Coast.

Delegates also decided to monitor crocodiles in Colombia, birds from the Solomon Islands, and a dozen other captive-breeding and ranching operations around the world.

But they agreed to lift previous suspensions and allow sustainable trade to resume for African teak and cherry in Congo, and for African grey parrots in Cameroon.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/dc00Cc760wc/Will-the-UN-reverse-its-ivory-ban

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Internet Marketing Seo | Technology Reviews

Who runs the SEO service? Is it one man and a dog in a shed in Droitwich, or a dedicated team of SEO professionals with years of experience, qualifications, accreditation and perhaps even reputable publications to their name? Look to an SEO service with a history of experience and expertise.

Effective Titles: Effective titles are one of the most important aspects of SEO strategy. Don?t get carried away with long words of titles an effective title should be fewer than 10 words and should describe your work for the visitors when they click on.


SEO (search engine optimization) is one of the today?s most popular Internet marketing technique used in the industry. It mainly uses the capability of search engines to bring traffic to a website. And because search engines are heavily used by users, as a means for searching information across the World Wide Web (WWW), SEO quickly became a very powerful Internet marketing technique.

In many cases it might seem that it is not worth employing an organic SEO company. However, it is extremely important to remember that while other companies provide results for a short term, some of the best SEO companies employing organic techniques provide long-term effects. The results might not be visible immediately; however, these come in handy on the long term.

The new Search Plus Your World (SYPW) search rankings by Google is an example of how search engines and social networking platforms keep introducing innovations with the intention of serving users better and providing a plan to dominate the search engine or social networking scene. Businesses may find it difficult to keep tabs on all this and implement the right website optimization strategies. This is why professional seo san diego services are necessary to increase your bottom line.

When you bring together the concepts of lead generation and lead capturing you touch upon a popular internet marketing concept known as list building. Generating hot leads using ultra targeted SEO, capturing those leads by offering them a freebie or cheap offer to get them to opt-into your mailing list, then marketing to them over and over again can be a business model in and of itself.

Among the most outstanding events that changed the world forever was the introduction of the internet in different fields of life. One of the most affected due to this was the field of business. The process of marketing changed immensely and companies started doing business online. In recent times, many of the companies prefer reaching out to their customers through their own business websites. They display different details of their products and services in their own website. Hence, for this they need to maintain these websites. In this regard, it will be important to seek search engine optimization or SEO companies.

Due of their advantages of SEO services, companies have been integrated as a crucial strategy. Human resource divisions of small and large companies alike are in the search for SEO professional India. On the other hand, SEO is still in its infancy, which clarifies the shortage of qualified SEO. The companies then make use of the second most excellent choice, which is the formation of an SEO at home.

Only the Search Engine could provide promises and guarantees of the rankings that your site will attain. No SEO service can guarantee results. If people make outlandish claims, they?re either full of it or they?re planning to use unethical SEO techniques to get your results. If they do this, they may get you banned from the Search Engines. Equally, Money-Back Guarantees are a sign that you should avoid the SEO service. Avoid.

Then another type is dedicated SEO consultancy. You can not consider cost consideration if you need the quality in promotion tasks. In this type you can avail the services of seo consultants at any time, you can discuss your problems, queries and get a smooth flow of advice. Some consultants charge on hourly basis and some charge partially before the beginning of project and rest on the completion. However the payment terms may vary on the project basis. You can avail all types of services such as defining of keywords, writing of content on keyword basis, defining navigation structure, on page and off page optimization techniques and other internet marketing activities.

The first step in an SEO process is finding the right Keywords. It is likely to depend on the perfect keywords and high-quality content in the website.
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Source: http://www.techreviewsworld.com/?p=37434

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Friday, July 27, 2012

ULine vs Marvel Undercounter Refrigerators (Reviews/Ratings)

ULine vs Marvel Undercounter Refrigerators (Reviews/Ratings)

U-Line vs Marvel Undercounter Refrigerators (Reviews/Ratings)

U-Line and Marvel are two of the most popular brands?in undercounter, built-in refrigeration.?Both are available in a variety of?configurations?and?both brands are the best mid-range priced undercounter?options.


U-Line has been around for 50 years and was founded in 1962 by Henry Uihlein. They manufacturered the first patented automatic built-in residential ice maker. Today they now have ice makers, wine refrigerators, beverage centers, all-refrigerators, refrigerator/freezers and drawer models available in three different series. The 1000 series offers nice features such as glass shelves and digital controls at a lower price. The 2000 series offers more upgraded features such as Energy Star rated models with convection cooling for more even temperature and smoother racks. Lastly, the 3000 series is a modular line exclusive to U-line that offers a sleek design with dimensions in 18? and 36? widths. The 300 series?also has an advanced temperature control system so you can program the temperature depending on the specific type of food or beverage you are storing.


Marvel was started in 1932 when they began making under-counter freezers. Shortly thereafter they developed under-counter refrigeration. Marvel became a major industry leader in the luxury refrigeration market with the first?upscale under-counter wine storage unit. They were also the first to?introduce the all-black interior which allows homeowners the capability to design built-in refrigeration in any room of their home. Marvel?s refrigeration is known for their quiet, yet powerful compressors with microprocessor controlled thermostats to provide accurate constant temperature. Today they offer Professional style (handles look like that of a Viking style appliance) as well as their standard style refrigerators, beverage centers, wine storage, ice makers and refrigerator drawers.

Undercounter vs Freestanding Refrigeration

Regarding pricing, both brands typically range between $1000-$3500 depending on the item. Customers often come into the showroom looking for under-counter refrigerators and have sticker shock when they see the prices of these pieces. They?ve seen units at stores (Home Depot, Lowes, Best Buy, etc) or online for $500 or less and they don?t realize that the models they were looking at were free-standing models. We sell a Frigidaire for about $500.

Freestanding models breathe from the back and cannot be built into cabinets. They require at least 5? of clearance all the way around. If you were to build-in a freestanding model, the refrigerator would not last because it would overheat. U-Line and Marvel under-counter refrigeration are?designed to be built-in. They breathe from the bottom and can be completely surrounded by cabinetry. They also have more advanced temperature control systems to maintain a constant temperature, as well as better quality interiors, design flexibility and metal, not plastic interiors.

U-Line vs Marvel

U-Line and Marvel are very similar in quality but U-Line has a few exclusive features. For example, they offer a convection cooling system for their beverage centers and refrigerators which allows them to have an Energy Star rating. The convection cooling system is a fan in the back of the units that circulates the cold air to maintain even temperature. In all other units without this feature, typically the temperature is a few degrees warmer at the top than the bottom.

Another important feature is U-Line's hinging system, which allows for integration with cabinets. In other words, the U-Line does not protrude from the cabinets and is indistinguishable from the cabinet itself. Have a look below..

Lastly, as I mentioned before, U-Line offers exclusive 18? and 36? models in their 3000 series which is a designer favorite due to the ease of planning those sizes into a kitchen design with standard cabinetry.

For more information, read a Yale Buying Guide packed with great information about different aspects of home improvement.

Sonya Quinlan

Sonya Quinlan has experience in kitchen and bath design and graduated from Wentworth Institute of Technology in Interior Design. Sonya and her husband recently purchased their first home and are expecting their first child this fall.

Read more about Sonya here.

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Timeline: U.S. policy shifts on Syria in Obama administration

(Reuters) - The uprising against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has changed the course of U.S. policy from one of engagement when President Barack Obama first took office to a call for Assad to step down to increased support for Syrian rebels.

Here are some of the significant moments.

March 7, 2009 - The United States and Syria found "common ground" when U.S. officials Jeffrey Feltman and Dan Shapiro met with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem in the first high-level trip by American officials to Damascus since 2005.

February 16, 2010 - Obama nominated Robert Ford to be the U.S. ambassador to Syria, the first since Washington withdrew its ambassador in 2005 after the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri in Beirut.

February 17, 2010 - Assad held security talks in Damascus with U.S. Under Secretary of State William Burns, after which the U.S. official said he was "hopeful" of progress.

April 8, 2011 - In a statement on the uprising, which began on March 15, Obama called on Assad to halt the "abhorrent violence committed against peaceful protesters."

April 22, 2011 - Obama condemned use of force against demonstrators and called on Assad to "change course now."

April 29, 2011 - United States slaps sanctions on Syria's intelligence agency and two relatives of Assad, in Washington's first concrete steps in response to the crackdown on protests.

July 12, 2011 - Obama sharpened rhetoric against Assad, saying the Syrian president had "lost legitimacy" for failing to lead a democratic transition.

August 11, 2011 - Obama and Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan in a phone call spoke about the violence in Syria and the need for a transition to democracy, the White House said.

August 18, 2011 - For the first time, Obama called for Assad to step down, saying: "For the sake of the Syrian people, the time has come for President Assad to step aside." Britain, France and Germany also called for Assad to step aside.

October 24, 2011 - The United States pulled its ambassador, Robert Ford, out of Syria over threats to his safety.

May 18, 2012 - Group of Eight leaders at Camp David discussed the need for political transition in Syria.

June 18, 2012 - Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Group of 20 summit in Mexico agreed violence in Syria must end but showed no signs of reaching a deal on tougher sanctions against Damascus.

June 22, 2012 - U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta defended the administration's decision to not arm the Syrian rebels, which has been criticized by some Republicans in Congress.

July 18, 2012 - Obama called Putin to discuss the deteriorating situation in Syria after a bombing in Damascus killed members of Assad's inner circle, but the two leaders ended the call divided over the best way forward.

July 19, 2012 - U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice called the Russian and Chinese vetoes of a U.N. Security Council resolution on Syria "dangerous and deplorable."

July 23, 2012 - Obama says Assad will be held accountable if he makes the "tragic mistake" of using Syria's stockpile of chemical weapons.

(Reporting by Lauren French; Editing by Stacey Joyce)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/timeline-u-policy-shifts-syria-obama-administration-051156643.html

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Only man you need to understand in relationships | Attract Love Coach

When I was 26 years old, I attended an inspiring workshop for women given by a man about men and relationships. This was before that mars book came out so it was totally new information for me. I left inspired thinking that I had all the knowledge and I would finally be able to have a great relationship ? I had figured men out.

As my single years progressed, I realized just knowing about men and how to act was not the key to my success in love. I had the rules down, I knew how to flirt and I was an online dating master.? There was never a shortage of men in my life but the problem was that I was following rules to attract an average unconscious guy who wasn?t my ideal match, not my extraordinary love.

What turned my love life around wasn?t learning the secrets of men in general, but to get to know just one man ? my Inner Adam?. This powerful part of your psyche is like a file that keeps all of your interactions with the opposite sex, starting with your father, brothers, uncles, male classmates, first love, and all romantic relationships. Once I transformed this inner man to match my ideal of love, I was able to attract Roberto who mirrored what I truly wanted.

Men have an Inner Eve? that brings them their perfect match like two pieces of a puzzle that fit together. You think you are attracted to someone because of his or her looks or personality, but the truth is that you are unconsciously drawn to their inner opposite as they are to you.

Most relationships do not last or are filled with drama because these two unconscious parts are related to each other with all of their unmet needs and emotional imbalances. You can never take rejection personally because they are seeing you through the filter of their Inner Eve ? (or Adam).

When I changed my relationship with my father, it was such a deep change in dynamics that it blew apart the old paradigm of my Inner Adam. Instead of fearing emotional intimacy with men, I was able to open my heart with honest, direct communication. It felt to me like my little girl finally got that hug and acknowledgment from her daddy that she yearned for her entire life.

By changing my Inner Adam, I was then led through a serious of empowering choices to say goodbye to the Mr. Wrongs of my life and I met Roberto, my ideal love, less than two months later. If I had known this was the key, I would have started here instead of wasting all those years on surface dating advice.

No matter how many heartaches you have encountered or how long you have been single, you can change your Inner Adam so that you can attract a man with an ideal Inner Eve. If you missed our free teleclass this month on this subject, click here to listen to the replay and enjoy the free Inner Adam meditation.

Source: http://attractlovecoach.com/only-man-you-need-to-understand-in-relationships/

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