Monday, January 30, 2012

New look at evidence OK'd in fatal 1989 Pa. fire (AP)

PHILADELPHIA ? A federal appeals court has granted another look at the evidence in the case of a man convicted of killing his daughter in what authorities alleged was an arson fire two decades ago in eastern Pennsylvania. Defense attorneys and some arson specialists say that determination was made using what's now considered flawed science.

The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday granted 76-year-old Han Tak Lee's request for an independent examination of evidence from the July 1989 fire that killed 20-year-old Ji Yun Lee at a religious retreat in the Pocono Mountains.

Attorneys for Lee argue that advances in fire science now show that expert testimony was unreliable.

Defense attorney Peter Goldberger says his client is "delighted." Monroe County District Attorney David Christine says an appeal is under consideration.


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Friday, January 27, 2012

Monica Clears Air About Girl Crush on Blakeley (omg!)

Monica Clears Air About Girl Crush on Blakeley

On the season premiere of The Bachelor, 25 beautiful women lined up to lure Ben Flajnik into their lair. It took viewers by surprise when two of the beauties became affectionate with one another instead. Newly-eliminated Monica Spannbauer told ET about her innocent intentions with the frail Blakeley.

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Forging a quick friendship while sharing a limo to the Malibu mansion, Monica claims to have been "comforting" Blakeley in their cuddle session on the couch. "Was it under the context of me being bisexual or into her? Absolutely not," Monica denies of the insinuations in the rumor mill.

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Differing opinions of emerging front-runner Courtney has split the household. Monica quite harshly assessed, "They deserve each other if he's that shallow and she's that manipulative? I really hope he doesn't choose Kacie B. [He's] not deserving of her. He'll break her heart."

The ousted gal had an "intuitive feeling" that her road to love with Ben would be coming to an end at this past Monday's rose ceremony. Monica insists that she encountered a wonderful side of Ben while filming, but as she is seeing the show unravel on TV, she doesn't like how Ben is portraying himself in regards to the Courtney romance. 'Being that he's The Bachelor, the namesake of the show, I think he should make decisions for himself," Monica quipped. After watching his family in the audience of The Ellen DeGeneres Show earlier this week, she doesn't think his mom and sister would approve of Courtney's antics.

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Courtney leaves nothing to the imagination on this upcoming Monday's episode of The Bachelor on ABC when she invites Ben to go skinny dipping with her in Puerto Rico. "I feel like she'll pull out any gun and any arrow," Monica said. "Everything Courtney does is to spite the women." Was Ben impressed with Courtney's complete package? Tune in to see if she got yet another rose.


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Star Jones making guest appearance on 'The View' (AP)

NEW YORK ? Apparently enough water has flowed under the bridge for Barbara Walters and Star Jones to reunite for a day.

"The View" announced on Wednesday that Jones will appear on the daytime talk show on Feb. 22 to promote an awareness campaign about heart disease among women.

Walters and Jones had a falling out in 2006 when Jones, one of the five original co-hosts of the daytime chat show, exited "The View." ABC decided not to renew her contract and Jones took Walters by surprise by announcing on June 27 that she would be leaving the show.

That exit came more quickly than expected. Walters wouldn't allow her back the next day.

Walters later said that Jones had compelled her co-hosts to lie for her by not revealing that Jones had undergone gastric bypass surgery while on "The View." Jones took her own shots, criticizing Walters for writing an autobiography that revealed details of an affair.

The women later had something serious in common. Both underwent open heart surgery to repair faulty heart valves within two months of each other in 2010.

Jones is coming back to the show to discuss her involvement in the American Heart Association's "Go Red for Women" public information campaign. Women are asked to wear red on Feb. 3 to support heart patients.


ABC is owned by The Walt Disney Co.


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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Merkel: Only a unified Europe can remain powerful

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, delivers the opening address at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2012. The overarching theme of the Meeting, which will take place from Jan. 25 to 29, is "The Great Transformation: Shaping New Models". (AP Photo/Michel Euler)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, delivers the opening address at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2012. The overarching theme of the Meeting, which will take place from Jan. 25 to 29, is "The Great Transformation: Shaping New Models". (AP Photo/Michel Euler)

German chancellor Angela Merkel attends the 42nd annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, WEF, in Davos, Switzerland, Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2012. The overarching theme of the Meeting, which will take place from Jan. 25 to 29, is "The Great Transformation: Shaping New Models". (AP Photo/Anja Niedringhaus)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, delivers the opening address at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2012. The overarching theme of the Meeting, which will take place from Jan. 25 to 29, is "The Great Transformation: Shaping New Models". (AP Photo/Michel Euler)

BNP Paribas Chief Executive Baudouin Prot speaks during a panel session on the first day of the 42nd annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, WEF, in Davos, Switzerland, Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2012. The overarching theme of the meeting, which will take place from Jan. 25 to 29, is "The Great Transformation: Shaping New Models". (AP Photo/Keystone, Laurent Gillieron)

(AP) ? German Chancellor Angela Merkel insisted Wednesday that Europe will remain an economic power only if it deepens the integration that has caused it so many problems. Without that, she warned the global elite gathered in a Swiss ski resort, Europe will remain little more than a pleasant vacation destination.

The tone of Merkel's keynote address was not dramatically different from her measured norm, but it was positive enough to feed an emerging feeling among European power brokers that Germany ? and hence Europe ? is finally becoming convinced that it needs to do whatever it takes to save the euro from collapse.

"The message is that we are ready for more commitment. We are no longer making excuses," Merkel said. If Europe doesn't integrate further, she said, "we will remain an interesting holiday destination for a long time, but we won't be able to produce prosperity for the people in Europe anymore."

Merkel pledged to do what is necessary to protect the euro from collapse, and said greater European unity is needed to spark job creation and growth. However, she poured cold water on calls for Europe to ratchet up the financial firepower of its safety net for failing economies.

Germany is at the center of any rescue plan because it has the deepest pockets in Europe. And Europe is at the center of the global outlook because many fear a collapse of the euro could drag large parts of the world back into recession.

For months, Germany has argued that indebted countries much cut their budgets to the bone, and that their people must become poorer, in exchange for help in reducing their debt loads. But many say that will do little good if that very austerity causes growth to evaporate, making countries unable to pay back the debt that remains.

George Soros, the philanthropist and former financier, called Germany a task master imposing a strict anti-inflationary viewpoint on the rest of the continent. He said weaker eurozone countries have been "relegated to the status of third world countries" having to pay back debts in a foreign currency.

"The problem is that the austerity that Germany wants will push Europe into a deflationary death spiral. ... The economy will contract and tax revenues will fall. So the debt burden ... will actually rise, requiring further budget cuts and setting in motion a vicious cycle."

Merkel's government has been unwilling to back two proposals voiced as potential solutions to the 2-year-old debt crisis: "eurobonds" backed jointly by all eurozone countries, and stimulus that essentially involves getting the European Central Bank to print more money.

In the past month, business leaders and academics say they have become increasingly confident that Germany ? once its back is against the wall ? will go along with measures to boost growth, and possibly save Europe from deeper crisis.

"We are starting to see signs of a shift in sentiment towards Europe," said Baudouin Prot, CEO of French bank BNP Paribas.

He said the catalyst for the newfound optimism was a round of reasonably priced long-term loans to European banks by the European Central Bank, which caused spiking interest rates for European bonds ? a key indicator of confidence in their ability to pay back the money ? to drop.

"We are on the right track, but we need to keep moving forward. We need each country to implement financial discipline," Prot said. "But it's not just about debt reduction. Europe also needs a growth strategy, a series of initiatives to open up the market, support innovation and competitiveness."

He said all 17 countries that use the euro must improve their finances, and that Europe as a whole needs to act better as a whole. He also cautioned against overregulation of banks.

Soros had a gloomier outlook but said he too sees Germany coming around to the idea that austerity is not enough, and that too much of it will just end up making matters worse.

"The argument is really very strong and I believe that it has to eventually sink in," he said.

Soros and others stressed that tough decisions need to be taken and that Europe is far from out of the water. What is changing is that leaders increasingly believe that Europe ? its back against the wall ? is finally acting. In December, the leaders of the 17 countries that use the euro agreed they need new rules that they're now working out, calming markets.

Gerard Lyons, global chief economist at Standard Chartered, said rescue efforts have been misguided.

"Europe is focusing on the wrong problem," he said. "Clearly debt has to be brought down. But Europe suffers from a lack of growth, not a high level of debt. ... Basically you need to address a debt problem by focusing on growth."

Oxford University professor Timothy Garton Ash said there's still a good chance Greece will default on its debt. What matters, he said, is how Europe responds: If it builds an effective firewall to prevent the crisis from spreading to other countries, that would go a long way to calming the fears that have caused so much turmoil.

"I do think there really is a shift in sentiment and perceptions," Garton Ash said. "The market sees that Germany is really willing to do what it takes."

The fear that gripped markets in the second half of 2011 was largely due to concerns that Italy ? the eurozone's third economy ? would default on its debt, and that it would be too big for Europe to bail out. A default by Italy would send massive shock waves round the global economy as well as potentially wiping out large chunks of Europe's banking system.

Amid the discussion of Europe's debt woes came a sense that Western-style capitalism, as practiced for decades, is moving into a new phase. A four-year economic crisis is putting pressure on politicians to build a new model.

David Rubenstein, managing director of asset management firm Carlyle Group, said leaders must work fast to overcome the crisis or see other models of capitalism, such as the form practiced in China, win the day.

"We've got to work through these problems. If we don't do that in three or four years ... the game will be over for the type of capitalism that many of us have lived through and thought was the best type," he said.

China has reaped the rewards of its transition to a more market economy and is now the world's second-largest economy. Unlike the capitalist systems in the U.S. and Europe, China's market transformation has been heavily guided by a state apparatus that continues to balk at widespread democratic reforms. Latin America, too, has seen success in the development of "state capitalism" in certain industries.

"You combine elements of private enterprise with public responsibility," said Colombia's mining and energy minister, Mauricio Cardenas.

At the economic forum, there were numerous references to the need to innovate, the need to consult with employees and the realization that power in the world is shifting from the west to the east. While the traditional industrial economies of the United States and Europe have limped through the last few years, often from one crisis to another, many economies in Asia and Latin America have been booming.

Outside the conference center, activists are camped in igloos to protest years of crisis in which hundreds of millions have lost their jobs even as top executives still reap huge pay packets. On Wednesday they sent aloft big red weather balloons carrying a protest banner reading "Hey WEF, Where are the other 6.9999 billion leaders?"


Pan Pylas and Edith M. Lederer contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Charlie Carillo: In Case You Missed It, Here's a De-Cap: HEADLESS BODY IN TOPLESS BAR!

The man convicted for the crime that inspired the most famous headline in the history of tabloid journalism recently sought parole nearly 29 years after it happened, which put that headline right back in the headlines:


I was in the New York Post newsroom the day that immortal headline was born, and I'll get to that in a moment, but first allow me to set the scene.

What a scene it was.

In those days the New York Post was the Moneyball equivalent of a newspaper staff, a ragtag collection of remarkably talented, wildly colorful characters.

At the same time it was also like a mental health clinic in which nearly everybody was undermedicated.

Not a bad bunch to have when you're trying to grab the city by the lapels and shout in its face.

Day after day, the headlines were well worth the price of admission. I'll never forget one written by the brilliant Dick McWilliams, when Wall Street crook Ivan Boesky was sentenced to prison:


When pop artist Andy Warhol died suddenly in 1987, Al Ellenberg wrote a headline that was yanked at the last moment:


I'll always be sorry that one never ran. Hell, Warhol himself would probably have liked it!

When Godfather Joseph ("Joe Bananas") Bonanno was taken into custody as an old man, the headline said it all:


And a personal favorite of mine became not only a front-page headline but a popular t-shirt as well. The story was written by tabloid cowboy Bill Hoffmann and Charles Lachman, author of A Secret Life: The Lies and Scandals of President Grover Cleveland.

But long before Lachman's name appeared under that title, it appeared under this one:


Makes you want to read all about it, doesn't it?

Now back to that extraordinary day in April, 1983: it started with a police bulletin about a grisly crime in a bar. Among the many horrors, somebody had been decapitated.

Vinnie Musetto was in charge of the Post's front page, an excitable man with a bushy beard known to leap on his desk and blow a wooden train whistle when stories got him worked up.

When Vinnie found out the bar was also a topless joint... kingdom come!

He tapped out the words on his computer screen, glowing big and green:


Funny how just a few simple words can have the greatest impact. William Shakespeare had an enormous vocabulary but his most memorable line is TO BE, OR NOT TO BE.

Vinnie Musetto had knocked the ball out of the park, and he didn't even need a verb to do it.

Somehow, we all knew this was The One. The whole staff gathered behind Vinnie, like one of those oil paintings you see of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, with the founding fathers huddled together to absorb the impact of the moment.

It was a perfect headline, THE perfect headline. Maybe too perfect.

Suddenly city editor Dick Belsky called across the newsroom: "Hang on, Vinnie, we're not a hundred per cent sure it's a topless bar!"

Vinnie jumped on top of his desk and waved his arms.

"It's gotta be a topless bar!" he cried. "This is the greatest f------ headline of my career!"

Vinnie got his wish. The topless bar angle checked out, and within minutes the presses were rolling.

The headline became a t-shirt, a part of the "Saturday Night Live" opening credits and a legend for all time.

And had the parole board granted freedom to the man whose crime inspired this headline, it's easy to imagine the headline that would have graced the Post's editorial page today:


Charlie Carillo's first two published novels, Shepherd Avenue and My Ride With Gus are available on Amazon Kindle for 99 cents. His website is He's a producer for the TV show Inside Edition.




Follow Charlie Carillo on Twitter: carillo


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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

"Shahs of Sunset" puts young Iranians on U.S. TV map (omg!)

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - California's vibrant Iranian-American community is getting its own reality TV show -- its stars spending, squabbling and showing off in what looks like a cross between the gossipy "Real Housewives" series and splashy "Keeping up with the Kardashians".

"Shahs of Sunset", premiering on cable TV channel Bravo on March 11, follows six "passionate socialites" in their 30s who try to juggle their careers and social lives with family and tradition, Bravo said on Monday.

Four of those taking part in the show work in real estate in Beverly Hills, the Hollywood Hills and other pricey areas of Los Angeles. Most enjoy a lavish lifestyle where expensive cars, huge mansions, gold jewelry and shopping are a must, judging by a short promotional trailer for the new series.

Among the cast is one of the few openly gay men in southern California's Iranian-American community, Bravo said.

The series is thought to be one of the first on U.S. TV to document the lives of young Persians whose parents fled Iran after the 1979 Islamic Revolution, or who settled in California as young children.

An estimated 500,000 Iranian-Americans live in the Los Angeles area -- the largest Persian community outside Tehran -- and some 20 percent of the population of Beverly Hills are of Iranian descent.

"From outings on Rodeo Drive to traditional Persian feasts at home, this series celebrates the unique lifestyle of a group of friends who have worked hard for what they have and are not afraid to flaunt it," Bravo said.

"Shah's of Sunset" is produced by Ryan Seacrest, host of "American Idol" and the producer of the popular "Keeping up with the Kardashians", about Armenian-American socialite sisters Kim, Khloe and Kourtney, and its spinoff series.

(Reporting By Jill Serjeant; Editing by Bob Tourtellotte)


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Video: America awaits Obama?s State of the Union address

>>> the state of the union is strong. our economy is the healthiest it's been in three decades.

>> that was president bill clinton beginning his state of the union in 1996 where he dlairdlair declared the era of big government is over. president bill clinton 's chief speech writer , good to be here with you. also the author of a book, "potus speaks". if you were writing for president obama , considering the climate in this country, what would your major themes be?

>> a speech like this is not only the constitution we require to address to the congress, but it's taiki intaking place at the beginning of the election year and the launch of his big argument to the country. it's in the context of this that's going on on the republican side . i think he ought to be doing, i imagine he is doing, which is talking about the economy, talking about his vision, not what congress will pass this year, but what does he think the country needs and do it in the terms of not just of this policy, that policy, but what's his vision for the economy and his vision for the middle class and the role of government.

>> it's been a while since we have heard such a memorable pronouncements that the era of big government is over. that one phrase did a lot in defining bill clinton 's second term. where have those bold quotable phrases gone?

>> it's a good question. the state of the union address is always are these long laundry list of policies.

>> especially bill clinton 's.

>> he loved that, but the public loved it too. they want to hear from their president directly. what does he want to have happen? the headline language comes from the bold ideas. you had that with george w. bush saying it was an access of evil at one of these state of the union addresses. we haven't heard that from president obama in these speeches. he's been focused on the economic crisis and what he might have a chance to get done with congress. sometimes it's when you're up against an opponent, whether it's the invisibility opponent of your presidential foes or the congress, that clarifies things. i hope we'll hear a strong argument.

>> it's fascinating story you have writing some of the most famous words that we have all heard and read. thank you so much.

>> my pleasure.


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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New York Giants: How much do you know about the city's first NFL team?

Asher Elias was galvanized into activism on behalf of his fellow Ethiopian Jews in Israel by a 1996 revelation.

Asher Elias uses high-tech training to lift Ethiopian Jews in Israel

In Israel, most Ethiopian Jews are trapped at the bottom of society in dead-end jobs. Asher Elias gives them high-tech training to boost their upward mobility.


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